Create Chrome Plugin with Knockoutjs
August 26th, 2014 — 1 min read
Greetings. I am going to present a simple way to create a chrome plugin using knockoutjs. As you know knockout needs two things. A view and a viewmodel. View is simply written in html file while viewmodel is a javascript object/function which is then bound to view with knockout. For loading view you can see this post.
And for loading viewmodel here is the code.
var pluginViewModel = function(){ // code here } // for component ko.components.register('plugin',{ template : pluginTemplate, viewModel : pluginViewModel }); $('body').append('<div data-bind="component:plugin"></div>'); ko.applyBindings() // For simple viewmodel $('body').append(pluginTemplate); ko.applyBindings(new pluginViewModel()) |
Hope it is very easy and useful. Do reply if you need to ask anything.